

We speak higher ed.

The web works different on campus. We understand.

Working with your campus's standards.

Tandem adopts the standards of your web services team and looks for opportunities to contribute back to your university's digital ecosystem with new modules, plugins, design systems, and processes. When those standards don't exist, we help create them. We've built web distributions that power thousands of websites at universities like Arizona State and CSU Humboldt.

What makes higher education special?

Intellectual curiosity isn't limited to university faculty. From department staffers to development officers and web services engineers, our clients in higher education take pride in their work and are looking for partners that share their enthusiasm.

Recent Higher-ed

Our higher ed specialties.

Making campus distributions that power hundreds of websites.

WCAG 3.0 AA Accessibility

Drupal and WordPress Training

University UX + UI

Information Architecture

Faculty Profile Systems

Our Higher Ed Wins.

Distribution powering 1000s of websites for Arizona State.

Working on projects for top-tier institutions like Stanford, UC Berkeley, University of San Francisco, UC San Francisco, Kettering University, and more.

Accessibility audits and trainings for numerous campuses.

Recent Higher-ed

Let's make some great Higher-ed together.
Get in touch!

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