As we continue to march towards our official release on May 4, 2020 we wanted to keep you up to date with some of the changes we are making along the way. Here are the highlights for 3.0.0-rrc.3.

# 1. Release channels and change throttling

One of the bigger challenges we've run into since we crossed the 10K user threshold has been delivering updates, new features and bug fixes while minimizing regressions and breaking changes. This challenge is particularly difficult for software like Lando with dependencies that by their nature are moving targets. Development and technology never stop changing!

Of course this challenge is further compounded by the limited time and resources (cough SPONSOR LANDO cough) we have to work on Lando, which is, afterall, free and open source software. Traditionally we've relied heavily on feedback from power users to help us test new releases. At scale, however, this model begins to break down as power users become an increasing minority and other users, who have a higher expectation for stability, become more commonplace. To address this bifurcation we are introducing Release Channels so that users can opt in to a velocity of change that makes sense for them.

The tl;dr there is if you want to try out the bleeding edge and help us with bug reports and feedback then lando --channel edge from 3.0.0-rrc.3 or higher. If you'd rather opt for a safer road then do nothing because that is the default. If you'd like to get even more bleeding edge you can also lando --experimental and opt into mostly-still-in-development features.

If you'd like to learn more then check out our official docs on release channels and experimental mode.

# 2. Docker updates

If you've struggled with the latest Docker Desktop 2.2 series, particularly on Windows then you aren't alone. We've been monitoring these upstream dependencies closely and are rolling new Lando releases, like this one, when important fixes are released.

Yesterday Docker rolled out Docker Desktop which fixes a bunch of file sharing related issues on Windows. It's included with Lando 3.0.0-rrc.3.

# 3. The sun sets on lando share, for now

Lando has long given you publicly accessible URLs for any of your locally running sites with lando share. Generally this has been used to share your work with others and test on mobile devices. Under the hood we've been able to offer this for free by leveraging localtunnels free public service. Sadly, this service is no longer available and the project is no longer maintained.

In the near future we will likely document a way to use ngroks free service with Lando. This should provide a similar experience to what was previously available in Lando but will require some additional setup on the users end.

We are also working on our own sharing solution that will be more feature-rich and available to all Lando sponsors. This way we can provide more value to our sponsors, cover the costs of the service and provide a better, faster and easier way for our users to share their sites. And of course, your sponsorship dollars will also go towards helping us make Lando even better.

If you'd like to get a head start on that we recommend you sponsor now.

# 4. Pantheon integration improvements

We've taken the first step on a refresh of our Pantheon integration. Expect more in the upcoming releases. The highlights here are:

  • Lando will now check out your pantheon.yml and use the version of Drush you've indicated there down to Drush 8.
  • We've updated to Terminus 2.3.0, Drush 8 to 8.3.2, Composer to 1.10.1, these all require a lando rebuild on existing apps to get.
  • You now can see a complete list of your sites on lando init, previously this was capped at around 270 sites

# 5. Other changes

I'd definitely like to mention the Lando proxy now supports subdirectories. This is a super cool new feature contributed by @bartlangelaan that enables you to do something like:


And, here are the full release notes for 3.0.0-rrc.3:

  • Added an experimental flag so users can access bleeding edge features, read more
  • Added PATH_INFO and PATH_TRANSLATED to the default nginx fastcgi_params #1987
  • Added webp support to php 7 images #1715
  • Added subdirectory support to the proxy #1824
  • Added support for pantheon.yml's' drush_version
  • Increased limit on amount of sites we can get from the Pantheon API #988
  • Fixed bug where PATH_INFO was not set in the pantheon recipe #1987
  • Fixed bug causing a silent error when trying to lando pull --code test|live using pantheon recipe #2021
  • Fixed bug causing Windows path separators to cause SQL Import/Export scripts to fail #1823
  • Fixed bug causing --host flag using = to produce unexpected results on db-import/export #2007
  • Improved lando db-import and lando db-export to allow absolute paths #1768
  • Improved feedback from lando db-import and lando db-export commands #2027
  • Improved tooling stdio configurability and stderr discovery #2021
  • Readded previous phpmyadmin 4.x versions for better backwards compatibility #2062
  • Updated to composer version 1.10.1 #2096
  • Updated to latest xdebug in php version 7.4 #2099
  • Updated drush 8 to 8.3.2 #2097
  • Updated to Docker Desktop #2052 #2122

# 6. Coming up

We're currently planning to release 3.0.0-rrc.5 on April, 24th with an intermediate release of 3.0.0-rrc.4 somewhere in between now and then based on necessity. We also will bump the current 3.0.0-rrc.3 edge release to stable sometime next week if it hits our stability threshold. Beyond that we are looking to work on

That's the update!