Sponsoring Lando is more than just supporting a free and open source local development tool. It's supporting a community and alliance of developers dedicated to making #devlife easier for us all.

However, if that is not reason enough... here are five more 😉

# 1. It saves you time and money

Solving local dev is hard, very hard, so chances are Lando has saved you considerable time and money when compared to its competitors or DIY options.

The more resources we have the more we can make sure Lando, its documentation, guides, tutorials and video trainings are up to date. After all, development, workflows and tools are always changing. The more Lando keeps pace the more time and money we can save you.

If Lando has given you value, return some of that value back to us so we can provide even more value back in return. Positive feedback loop! Help us, help you!

# 2. It's developer insurance

Lando has an active community on Slack that offers free, real time support to everyone as time allows.

Generally, we try to scope questions so they are Lando focused but we are more than happy to answer any development question if we can afford to do so. If every Lando user sponsored us at a 🍺's worth every month we would be able to provide TWO dedicated support persons to help answer any blocking dev questions you might have.

How awesome would it be knowing that the Lando team has got your back if you get into a tight spot and need someone to help unblock you? You don't even need to use Lando we're down to try and help!

# 3. It has f**** great swag

Sponsor at our $9/month level and get a yearly surprise swag benefit. And rest assured, your swag benefit will be infused with the fun, kitchy, pop-culture-reference-heavy irreverance you've come to expect from us.

Be the coolest, proudest cat at your next dev meetup and help us spread our message of developer liberation at the same time!

# 4. It's an investment in yourself

One of the best things about Lando is its extended ecosystem of documentation, helpful guides, video tutorials, blog posts, trainings, presentations and other events.

Not only will these materials save you a bunch of time getting spun up or help you navigate that tricky Lando use case but they are free training materials to help you take your dev game to the next level.

We are happy to generate as much of this material as our users want and with your sponsorship we can!

# 5. It's the right thing to do

With the exception of a Kickstarter we ran back in 2014 Lando has been overwhelmingly (eg 90%+) "funded" by Tandem, our previous agency Kalamuna and tons of after hours and volunteer time.

Hopefully this is sufficient evidence that we are pretty committed to the cause of developer liberation! However, at our current and projected growth it is no longer possible for us to solely shoulder the increasing infrastructure and engineering costs. Help us share the load! After all, we are building all of this for you!

It's also important to mention that fundamentally Lando is about helping other developers. We want to stay accountable to you not VC overlords. There has never been a business model and with your help there never will be.

# Bottom Line

The math on this is fairly straightforward! If every Lando user sponsored us at the $4 per month level, the cost of one ☕️ or 🍺, we would be able to...

  • Answer the vast majority of your Lando and non-Lando related development questions on Slack.
  • Churn out more guides, documentation and tutorials based on what users need or want.
  • Work on Lando full time, this means staying up to date with development changes, version updates, new tools, bug fixes, user features; everything.
  • Take more time to manage the Lando community and its contributors.
  • Cover our infrastructure costs and compensate our core contributor team.

If you think that sounds like a pretty fucking good deal then please, support our mission to liberate developers across the galaxy so they can focus on their most important work!